Jean-François Coeurjolly
Tel: +33 4 57 42 17 17
Catherine Laiolo
Tel: +33 4 57 42 17 53


The department DATA gathers researchers working on probability, statistics, machine learning, optimization, financial mathematics, signal processing and image analysis.

The list of members can be found here.We are organized around 5 teams

ASAR Applied probability and statistics for problems mainly arising in relaiability [Members]
DAO (Data, learning and optimization): optimization and learning for data science [Members]
IPS (Inference for Stochastic Processes) [Members]
STATIFY Modelling and inference for complex and structured data [Members]
SVH (Statistics for Human and Life Sciences) [Members]

Research topics

Research areas of the different teams have a non-negligible intersection and the majority of members work on theoretical sw well as applied aspects. Here is a non exhaustive list of transversal research topics:

Optimization and statistical learning Stochastic optimization, distributed optimization, structured data, copositive optimization
Classification and clustering Unsupervised classification, latent block models, mixture models, high-dimensional classification, classification and convex geometry
Dimension reduction and feature selection Partial least squares, high-dimensioal data storage, high-dimensional robust regression
Mathematical statistics Nonparametric estimation, operational statistics, hidden Markov models, multivariate count models for tree structured data, copulas, functional data analysis
Extremes Extreme vaue theory, univariate and multivariate risk measures, conditional risk measures
Bayesian statistics Nonparametric Bayesian statistics, ABC methods
Mixed models Optimal experimental designs, high-dimensional problems, differential equations with random effects
Goodness-of-fit tests Regression models, gof tests in reliability
Spatial statistics Covariance Matérn models, sampling for integration, spatial and spatio-temporal point processes, stochastic geometry, statistical mechanics and graph theory
Stochastic processes Estimation/simulation of fractional models, random fields, asymmetric diffusion models, approximation of probability measures, mean field, Le Cam theory, dependence models

Interdisciplinary projects

Members of the department are involved in several interdisciplinary projects. Here is a list of areas/projects we have been working on these last years:

Pharmacometry Pharmacocinetics/pharmacodynamics, ROC curve estimation
Medicine, biology Cells growth models, mutation models, genomics, oncology, epidemiology surveillance
Neurosciences Neuronal models, FMRI data analysis
Reliability Aging processes, maintenance processes, graphical models in reliability, degradation models
Cognitive sciences Latent variable models, eye-movement data, mouse tracking data, behavioral biases
Phonetics Speech and cognition, geostatistics applied to dialectic
Environment, ecology Life cycle analysis, hydroelectricity, environmental toxicology
Finance Optimal stopping time for stochastic processes, numerical methods for finance

News anbd highlights

  • Defenses of Phd students from DATA can be found here
  • Interview: Vincent Brault for France Bleu Isère for his work on pooling testing to detect covid-19 link

Seminars, working groups, GDR CNRS

Here is a short list of seminar, working groups, GDR, the members animate or to which we participate: