Business collaborations
Areas of collaboration with our research teams
The research activities of the LJK are grouped into three axes (departments):
AMAC (Algorithms, Models, Analysis and Computation) with tools for numerical and symbolic computation.
DATA (Data & Randomness: Theory and Applications) for Probability and Statistics
GI (Geometry & Images) for mathematical and computational techniques in Imaging.
MaiMoSiNE is a Federative Research Structure of the University Grenoble Alpes. Its main mission is to promote interactions between the socio-economic world and the researchers of the University of Grenoble Alpes in the field of mathematics and computer science, in particular in data science, modelling, simulation and intensive computing.
You are a company, you have needs in applied mathematics and/or computer science, contact Maimosine and meet an expert of the laboratory
AMIES, a national structure of the mathematics community, aims to promote interactions between mathematicians, professionals and students, and the business world. The AMIES project is led by the Institut National des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs Interfaces (INSMI) of the CNRS in partnership with the University of Grenoble Alpes and INRIA, as a Laboratoire dʼExcellence since spring 2011 in the framework of the Programme Investissement d’Avenir.
The Carnot Institutes are national institutes created to develop partnerships between the worlds of research and business in the fields of competence that will allow to respond to the major economic and societal challenges. Since 2006, the Carnot Label aims to promote the development of research partnerships and technology transfer between public research and companies through contractual research.
The LSI Institute, Software and Intelligent Systems
The Cognition Institute