Time reversal and other phenomena in graphene plasmons
Seminar Modèles et Algorithmes Déterministes: EDP-MOISE-MGMI
30/11/2017 - 11:00 Mr Fadil Santosa (School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota)
It is known that a graphene sheet surrounded by dielectric material can support plasmons. Motivated by recent time reversal experiments of Fink et al, we investigate how such phenomena can be reproduced in graphene plasmon. Electrostatic gating is a method by which the conductivity in the graphene can be modulated. We demonstrate that by introducing time dependent conductivity, it is possible to have time reversal, amplification, as well as standing waves. This preliminary report is joint work with Tony Low, Paul Martin, Misun Min, and Josh Wilson. This talk is part of the workshop "Inverse Problems in Plasmonic, Poincaré-Neumann Operator" ( https://www-ljk.imag.fr/membres/Faouzi.Triki/NPO.html ). It takes place in AMPHI 2, UFR IM2AG.