Pierre étoré - Teaching

First year at ENSIMAG:

From 2022 I have been giving the following magistral course and TD

  1. "Probabilités Appliquées" (2022-)
    Link: WEB PAGE (restricted access)

Second year at ENSIMAG:

Since 2014 I have given the following lecture:

  1. "Random Processes and Applications to finance" (2014-)
    Link: Chamillo (restricted access)

    POLYCOPIE DE COURS: poly_PSAF.pdf (in French)

    ENONCE DU DM 2022: DM_PSAF_2022.pdf

    CORRIGE DU DM 2022: cor_DM_PSAF_2022.pdf (last update 13 dec. 2022)


First year at ENSIMAG:

From 2016 to 2021 I have given the following TDs (Travaux dirigés, work in small group):

  1. "Principles and methods in statistics" (2017-2021, plus magistral course since 2020)
    Link: Chamillo (restricted access)

Second year at ENSIMAG:

From 2018 to 2020 I have given the following lecture:
  1. "Probalility for computer sciences" (Apprenticeship track)
    Link: Chamillo (restricted access)

    Slides_PI_intro_chap1.pdf, Slides_PI_chap2.pdf, Slides_PI_chap3.pdf (in French)

Third year at ENSIMAG:

From 2008 to 2012 and again since 2017 I have given the lecture:

  1. "Mathematical Fundations of Stochastic Calculus" (2017-) Chamillo (restricted access)

Master 2 MSIAM (Université Grenoble Alpes/ENSIMAG):

From 2015 to 2021 I have given the lecture:

  1. "Stochastic Calculus and Applications to Finance" (2015-) Chamillo (restricted access)

    TEXTBOOK of the course: poly_SCAF.pdf (in English)