version:1.05 version:1.04 - bug correction on displaying attributes of edges - bug correction on CPU time measure - bug correction in interface for up to automorphism combo box which s not taken into account - bug correction in duplicating a rule (bad copy of graph & rules of connection) - add a Sierpinsky triangle graph & rule classes version:1.03 - grid generator window has new graph grid name (Rectilinear grid, Right-angle triangular mesh, Isosceles triangular mesh, Moore grid) - bug correction concerning graph files location in movie window - bug correction when centering drawing area when orthonormal axes are selected - bug correction concerning false plotting of port whose 3D-position are computed - user manual update version:1.02 - bug correction: isReadOnly & isMovable are linked - colors of graph elements are saved in preferences - replacing pattern graph by Left Hand Side Graph & transformer graph by Right Hand Side Graph - adding a PT edge failed if P vertex has a cut action - recomputation of graph bounds after adding/removing vertices - graph bounds are multiplied by a factor of 1.+5% - bug correction about taking into account of a new adding of global variable - eliminate absolute path from saving files: all is relative path from the project file name path - manual is written - licence is written version:1.00 initial version of Graph Parallel Rewriting.