Projects headed by members of ASAR

  • - FIMA : (Random Models for reliability and maintenance) is regional working group of the IMdR (Institut pour la Maîtrise des Risques).
  • - AMMSI (Ageing and Maintenance in reliability: Modelling and Statistical Inference) ANR project, 2012-2016.
  • - AMORE (Advanced MOdelling for Reliability and maintenance Evaluation) exploratory project of the LabEx PERSYVAL-Lab, 2016-2017

  • - PROCORE project, Modelling and Assessment of the Joint Effect of Ageing, Maintenance and Heterogeneity on Repairable System Reliability, in partnership with the City University of Hong Kong, 2019-2020.
  • - PGMO project, Predictive maintenance strategy for systems submitted to multivariate degradation with dynamic covariates and imperfect maintenance, in partnershio with EDF R&D, 2018-2019.

Projects involving members of ASAR

  • - DIALog hosted by the Louis Bachelier Group's and funded by CNP, is a scientific chair studying the use of learning and artificial intelligence algorithms in the insurance sector.